
....And don't forget to live for today!

Kids, don't harm yourselves

Source: nattstad.se


Fuck grapefrukt

/Amanda & Emilia.


These four days have been rough, but it's only going to get better from now on. My weightloss has been shockingly big. Minus 5 kgs in just these four days. I have been constantly hungry and tired. I have been angry at nothing and everything and I even started to cry when the contestants of project runway met their mothers.
We are changing the diet drastically now, moving on to GI. Now we will have snacks between meals!!!
I will be sure to be more careful now with this diet. I don't want to continue losing weight at this rate.


Tonight I'm going to dream of chocolate. And pasta.
Not at the same time though.


Today I feel like there are no energy reserves left, the strict eating of today has not given me very much and I start to feel tired, for real.
Monsoon, tokio hotel.

Survived the first day!

Second day of the diet and I'm getting more and more sure of that I'm going to make it. Yesterday was just painful.
Todays menu:
Breakfast:1/2 a grapefruit + water
Lunch: 2 carrots, 75 g haricots verts, 75 g broccoli and 2 tablespoons of applesauce + water
Dinner: 1 boiled egg, a minimal portion of salmon, some plain salad and a glass of tomatojuice + water
After today, we've been through half of this diet! I'm so excited for the next one because hopefully it will contain a little bit more food.

4 days from now

Today we kicked off the first, and the most challenging, diet; air hostess diet (?)
Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, tea or coffe without any sugar or milk
Lunch: Almost fat-free pork with lettuce and tomatoes
Dinner: Two boiled eggs, 1 carrot and ½ grapefruit
8 glasses of water.

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